Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Photoshopped Political Images

As editors exercise their ever-increasing power over information control, what limits would you impose on them as to extend to high they can manipulate the photographic image? Devise a series of guidelines the will control the release of images that have been constructed for media use so that the public is aware as to the extent of the manipulation.

Photo from: Gajitz

Photo from: Dartmouth
Photo from: Dartmouth
In the photo on the left Abraham President Lincoln's head was photoshopped in over politician John Calhoun Moreover In the photo below Benito Mussolini's horse handler was removed from the photo so Mussolini was portrayed as powerful. Furthermore in the photo on the bottom left of President Obama a cigarette was photoshopped in his mouth to create the illusion that Obama lacks the will to quit smoking after he pledged to quit. All of these photo's are mildly modified to send a message although I believe some restrictions editors should have is to not release personal info or false info that could put others at risk or endangering 

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