Thursday, April 20, 2017

Emotions Photomontages Convey

Find two examples of photomontages that are either from a commercial source or from a fine art background. Discuss in what context they have been produced and what techniques they share with political photomontages. what messages, if any, are communicated through these photomontages and how effective do you think they are? Consider different ways that each image could have been tackled by the artist and come up with an idea for 'another in the series'.
Photomontages By: Antonio Mora    
I've found two photomontages shot and created by former news anchor Antonio Mora. The photo on the left is titled "Where Dreams Will Take You"of a woman with the top half of her face faded away and an escalator path where her eyes and mind would be I believe he's trying to convey a message bout the dream world and the escalators represent the path to the dream world. Moreover in the photo on the right is titles "Cyclops" with on half of her face visible wearing a mask and on the other side her face is faded away with scrambled wires. I'm not too sure what he was trying to convey her but I think he was trying to show how she's being suppressed by the mask on her head.

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