Monday, January 23, 2017

Using Slow Shutter Speed To Emphasize Subject

Photo By: Jakob Barlow
Find a photograph where the photographer has used a slow shutter speed and describe the subject matter including the background. Discuss any technical difficulties the photographer may have encountered and how these may have been overcome.

I found this photo I took a couple weeks ago during a skate sesh with my friends. I decided to experiment with slow shutter speed using a flash because I always see photos using this method in popular skateboarding magazines like Thrasher, Skatemag, etc. I slowed the shutter speed down to 1/100 and used a flash so the subject us more in focus and crispy clear while everything else in the background is blurred from motion. while shooting I ran into the problem of the flash being too bright and my buddy Chris either being to blurred or too sharp. I overcame these problems by changing  the shutter speeds, ISO, and Aperture to get the photo nice and clean.

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