Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fast Vs. Slow Shutter Speeds

Photo By: Me

Take four images of a running or jumping figure using fast shutter speeds (faster than 1/250 second). Vary the direction of travel in relation to the camera and attempt to fill the frame with the figure. Examine the image for any movement blur and discuss the focusing technique used.

In the Photo on the left i used a slower shutter speed to capture a motion blur effect, I also used a flash so the subject is more in focus and can stand out from the background .

Photo By: Me
In the photo on the right my cousin Kyle is bombing a parking garage switch on Mill Ave around Midnight. Since it was dark everywhere (because it was night time and I had to use a faster shutter speed) and my flash died I used the light above to light up the subject because I had to use a faster shutter speed so he was in focus. 

Photo By: Me
In the photo on the left of my good friend SNOT I captured him ollie-ing off of my kickoff ramp. I was trying to use motion blur for the first time so I used a slower shutter speed to get the fast motion effect along with a flash to make him stand out from the background.

Photo By: Me
This photo on the right of my buddy Josh was taken the same night I took the photo of my cousin bombing a parking garage although my flash still had power so I used it to light up the subject and background. I was able to get the photo nice and sharp because pf how powerful the flash is combined with using a super fast shutter speed.

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